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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Clip Description



    Fiction Movie, thriller.

    A woman arrives to the hotel and goes to bed when she sees a strange dreams how she’s drowning.
    As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
    Model Requested: Mira Green
    Mira checks into a hotel and takes a nap in her underwear. As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
    Chain Drowning Guidelines
    Struggle 5 min. Mira starts her nightmare at the bottom of the pool with her back against the wall (reference picture) she stays against the wall for duration of drowning and struggle and should remain upright after she drowns.
    Mira screams and squeals at first begging toward the camera but when she realizes no one is going to help her…
    . She starts thrashing at maximum exertion as she bucks and throws around. She manages to get a hand over her mouth (Reference image) as she starts to drown. Please ensure she kicks her leg around like shes being strangled and is trying to kick herself up.
    She is thrashing violently as her head shakes from side to side, finally her hand goes from her mouth to cluching her breast, her mouth opens wide and she lets out MASSIVE bursts of bubbles.
    She begins to inhale and convulse in the most violent orgasmic manner possible.
    Replay the bubbling explosions from multiple angles and capture a full body shot, chest up and facial shot as well. The bubbles are my favorite part, the model should be choking out her air.
    After she drowns she stares blankly into the distance, as her body shuts down she convulses a couple more times her eyes and face expressionless as one more giant burst of bubbles erupts from her mouth. Note she should remain upright and not fall over after she drowns.
    Post Drowning: The camera pans every possible angle (Legs up to face etc) for 5 minutes with plenty of close ups of smokey. Her face should not be completely obscured by her hair, her bangs and partially obscure her face as it flows however.
    Notes: For exhalations please reference GIFS attached: Also as for bubbling and inhalations follow the tank drowning guidelines for bubbling and drowning.
    Please emphasize exhalations, and bubbling during all drowning and blacking out scenes model should go from medium sized chain bursts of bubbles to one orgasmic final massive heave. Her hands should claw at her breast/ throat during the final heave.
    Convulsions/ inhalations: Model should look like she is in pain, as she draws in each breath. Her body involuntarily convulses as she arches her back and shakes. Her legs should flail and her hands claw away at the chains.

    Death Stare 5 min : Once Mira has drowned, she remains seathed on the pool floor back against the wall and stares out blankly for 5 min. The camera continues to alternate between full body shots and panning shots of her body from legs to face.
    Interlude: Mira wakes up panicking in her bed, and after she calms down she decides to go for a swim in the hotel pool. The door to the pool says that she needs to shower before use. Mira, in her bikini goes into the shower to wash before her swim, and falls through a trap door after a couple minutes. She falls into the tank and begins to drown.

    Tank Drowning Guidelines.
    The tank room should be minimalistic and free of clutter and distractions in order to highlight the center of attention, the tank. Dark uniform background, with good lighting that does not overexpose the model would be preferred kind of like watching a Houdini tank on a stage essentially. (Ref Right)

    The drowning composes of 3 phases, struggle, exhalation, and inhalation/ convulsions. There should be a slow progression with the struggle starting with focused effort and a gradual and forceful progression to all out panic. Tons of glass pounding leg stomping etc.
    • The struggle: 5 min
    Emphasis on panicked struggling, the model should pound on the glass, try to swim up to get out and generally do everything she can to escape. At some point she realizes that someone is watching her drown and begs to be released. Pointing at the camera, staring etc. As the struggle grows more desperate she presses herself against the glass as she convulses palming and screaming. He legs flail and twitchl as her movements become more erratic etc. As she transitions to exhalations, one hand open palms the glass facing the camera, as another covers her mouth. Her body contorting as she struggles to hold her face contorted in pain and agony.
    • Exhalation/ Bubbling: (appx 3 minutes with progression and replays) 3 minutes
    Please focus most on the Exhalation of Bubbles, the explosive almost orgasmic open mouth release of air at peak of breath hold (Ie when the model cannot hold on any longer and has to finally release) The model should open her mouth in pain and explode the air out of her like she is gagging or vomiting out her air use multiple takes as needed and add in some replays of the explosion.
    She should lead the bubbling with trickles from her nose as her chest heaves, her hands then cover her mouth as her head shakes from side to side holding her air in. Her licks flail and kick as she spasms. Finally, as it progresses her hands claw at her bikini top (Quick Nipple Slip) and throat and as multiple medium sized bursts escape her mouth her legs kick wildly. She holds for one more moment, one hand on her chest other reaching at the Camera against the glass, her eyes open toward the camera and in one Orgasmic, MASSIVE release, her air EXPLODES out. The bubbling is my personal favorite part, please have multiple takes of the Final release of air (Closeup of face, Full Body, slow motion differing angles etc). The powerpoint I have attached has a lot of what I’m looking for in GIF format.
    • Inhaling Water: (3 Minutes of inhalations)
    Finally, once she exhales her air, she should leave her mouth open for about a minute in pain trying not to breath in water, her hands claw at her throat and chest tugging at her bikini top, as she clutches her chest grasping at her breast and throat. She pounds feebly against the glass, her hand dragging and clawing.
    Finally she takes a breath, the first one is DEEP and full. Her inhalations should start out deep and full bodied with massive convulsions with every breath her eyes bulging wide in surprise at first. After a while, the breathing becomes shallower and less frequent her face glazes over as she relaxes Her movements more sporadic as she settles down. She stares blankly into the distance as her hair flows. Please have her spasm VIOLENTLY as she begins to drown and breath water. The spasming slows down toward the end until she is dead.
    Mira Greens video in “Mira’s last stand” At the 20 minute mark where she gets shot and is just gasping, and spasming, is an excellent example of what it should look like, except it’s underwater.
    • Post Drowning: (5 Minutes)
    The model should float upright in a “standing position” one hand near her neck and one outstretched her face relaxed as she stares out toward the camera with her mouth slightly open. For the half of post drowning she gives off involuntary spasms as her hair flows gently. Her legs are slightly spread, the camera pans views from all angles with the final shot being of her blank face. Note hair should generally not cover too much of her face. During this scene several closeups can be done to highlight the model (Panning shots, closeups etc) For the death state Mira should not cross her eyes, and have her mouth slightly open in a blank stare like the image below.

    Camera work:
    Please avoid any “Shaky Camera” the camera work should alternate between a full body view of the model that shows the struggle and multiple pans from leg up to her face.

    Clip Duration:      27 minutes
    Format Size
    mp41206.92 MB

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    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

    Crime House - THE MURDER HOTEL

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